Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Dangers of Over the Counter Drugs

Since over the counter drugs are available without a prescription, many consumers assume that the medications are safe and have limited potential dangers. Although the medications do not have the same dangers as prescription drugs or illegal substances, it is possible to develop an addiction to over the counter drugs or face health challenges from accidental overdoses.
Types of Medications Available Over the Counter
Before it is possible to recognize the potential dangers, it is important to determine the medications that are available without a prescription. The medications are often broken down into a few main categories, which include:
  • Pain relievers like acetaminophen, aspirin and ibuprofen
  • Non-prescription sleep aids, such as Tylenol PM
  • Cold and flu medications
  • Allergy medications
  • Diet pills and supplements

Medications for motion sickness and nausea
In most cases, the uses of over the counter medications are very clear. Cold and flu medications are taken to help reduce fever, achiness and general weakness caused by a cold or flu. Pain relievers are designed to help reduce or eliminate pain in the body.
Although the purpose is obvious, the dangers associated with over the counter drugs are often overlooked. The reason for overlooking the dangers is the assumption that the medications are safe.
Effects of Over the Counter Drug Abuse
Although taking the medications as directed on the bottle will usually help with limited side effects, the reality is that over the counter drug abuse can occur purposely or accidentally. Drug abuse means that a substance is taken in a larger dose than recommended, taken in an illegal manner or taken for recreation rather than the intended use.
When over the counter drug abuse occurs, it is possible to gain a physical dependency, build up tolerance for the substance and develop an addiction. Although an addiction is a concern, it is not the only possible problem that occurs.
Taking a large dose of over the counter drugs can result in developing negative reactions. An overdose of certain medications, like acetaminophen, can cause serious health concerns, liver damage and even death if medical attention is not sought immediately.
Although the drug plays a significant role in the specific effects, an addiction to over the counter medications can cause damage to internal organs, poor sleep habits, hallucinations and stomach aches.
Fighting the Addiction
When an addiction develops from over the counter drug abuse, it is important to seek help from Best Drug Rehabilitation. Seeking help and fighting the addiction is important to preventing damage to the body that results in physical health problems or accidental overdoses.
Even if the addiction developed accidentally when taking the medications as directed, seeking help to fight the substance is an important part of moving on with life. Developing a physical tolerance for the substance and becoming addicted to over the counter medications is easy because of the assumption that the drugs are safe. By recognizing that it is not safe and an addiction has developed, it is possible to start working on recovery.
Overcoming an addiction to over the counter medications is challenging, but help is available. By getting help and fighting the addiction, it is possible to give up the drugs and live a healthy lifestyle. Although the dangers of over 

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