Tuesday, March 12, 2013

What is alcoholism?

 Struggling with addiction is never an easy thing to do. Many people, who are addicted to alcohol, don’t even realize they have a drinking problem. When alcoholism affects someone you love, it reaches out to all areas of your life and their own. It impacts relationships, job performance, and self-esteem. However, with proper care and treatment, alcohol addiction is absolutely treatable and recovery is possible. 

What is Alcoholism?

Alcoholism is the act of habitually abusing alcohol. It is a chronic diseases, and often progressive. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) defines alcohol abuse as “A pattern of drinking that results in harm to one’s health, interpersonal relationships, or ability to work.” Signs of dependency, according to the CDC, include strong cravings for alcohol, an inability to limit consumption of alcohol, and continuing use of alcohol despite the physical, emotional, and psychological toll it’s taking.

Dangers of Prolonged Alcohol Abuse

There are many dangers to consider if allowing alcoholism to continue in someone you love. Aside from the injury aspects (the person struggling with an alcoholic addiction can cause immediate injury to himself, others, or both), there are other dangers to consider as well.

Health conditions to consider include:
·         Brain cell damage
·         Bleeding in the digestive tract
·         Liver disease
·         Chronic insomnia
·         Erectile dysfunction
·         Depression
·         Memory loss
·         Cancer (liver, colon, esophagus, and more)
·         Heart damage
·         Pancreatitis
·         Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome
·         High blood pressure
·         Fetal alcohol syndrome (when consumed while pregnant)

Benefits of Treatment for Alcohol Addiction

Addiction is something that very few people can simply turn off like a light switch. If you have alcoholism, you may not be able to curb your drinking, or even stop drinking, on your own. Alcohol addiction, specifically, poses a few significant risks that make trying to quit “cold turkey” on your own a potential problem.
Supervised Withdrawal
Withdrawal from alcohol is best done in a controlled, supervised setting. Complications from withdrawal can be life threatening. Quality treatment centers of alcohol addiction, like Best Drug Rehabilitation, have the tools and trained professionals on hand to minimize the severity of withdrawal symptoms and to provide appropriate medical attention immediately when needed.

More importantly, treatment centers have long-term support systems in place to help your loved one recover in an environment that’s conducive to recovery. Admitting loved ones to treatment centers removes them from the world. This gives them the opportunity to recover without the same struggles, routine, and worries to drag them back to the temporary comfort alcohol provides.

Counseling and Therapy
In addition to direct medical supervision, treatment centers offer counseling and therapy sessions to help people struggling with alcoholism understand how the addiction impacts their thoughts, behaviors, and emotional connections to the people in their lives. Medication may be necessary to help control the dependency and reduce cravings.
Workshops, detox programs, and holistic techniques are all tools available at our rehabilitation treatment centers to help with the fight against addiction. Because addiction, unfortunately, doesn't occur in a vacuum, treatment centers can also help families find the support they need to handle their needs in this struggle for recovery all around.
By participating in these treatment methods, you give yourself or your loved one a better chance to prevent relapse, remain sober, and have the quality life deserved.

Finding the Healthy Person Inside

The path to alcoholism recovery is a rocky one. There’s no doubt about that. However, with the right help along the way, recovery is quite possible. The first step is the hardest.

The important thing to know is that there is life on the other side of addiction. Many people recovering from alcohol addiction lead full, productive, and happy lives. Seeking treatment for addiction is the first step in the right direction for many people facing this particular struggle.
Let Us Help Today

Now is the perfect time to make that critical move so you can take back control of your life, for good. With its caring, expert staff and successful therapies, Best Drug Rehabilitation is the ideal rehabilitation treatment facility to help with all types of treatment that drugs and alcohol require.

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