Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Dangers of Narcotic Cough Syrups

A Scary Truth
In 2008 a study found that one in every 10 teens is or has previously been addicted to cough syrup. While that may only equate to 10 percent of American teens, narcotic cough syrups are still an over-the-counter substance that can cause serious addiction problems. Cough medicines are especially dangerous because they are so easily attainable, providing abusers with a quick high. The dangers of narcotic cough syrups most prevalently affect teens and their parents. Teens generally have easy access to cough syrups often stocked unassumingly in the home by their parents. With that said, cough syrup addiction is not limited to teens, and can affect users into adulthood.
The Drug is Easily Accessible
Perhaps the most dangerous aspect of cough syrup addiction is its subtle and camouflaged nature. It is very easy for cough syrup bottles to blend in with a household, most commonly hidden away in a bathroom medicine cabinet for abusers to seek out. Additionally, cough medicine is a drug of choice due to its cheap nature. For only a couple bucks, a bottle can be bought at practically any grocery or liquor store around the country. Whether the user is a teen or adult is mostly irrelevant to how easy it can be to purchase cough syrup, particularly for anyone over the age of 18.
An Underestimated Drug...
Another danger associated with cough syrup is its perceived safety. Because it is often used as medicine, abusers frequently underestimate the power of its potent ingredients. While cough syrup is often considered somewhat harmless and commonly used as freely as other over-the-counter cold remedies, users have a high tendency of overdose or abuse. This is not to forget that even underestimated substances like cough medicine have both short and long-term side effects.
Side Effects of Cough Syrups
The side effects associated with cough medicine are perhaps the most substantial danger to those with dependency issues. As a commonly abused and underestimated substance, cough syrup, like many other drugs, has its fair share of side effects.
Side Effects Can Lead to:
vision impairment
 abnormal heart rhythm
 impaired cognitive functioning
 memory lapses
Some users have even slipped into a coma or died due to cough medicine abuse. Many of the aforementioned side effects can be associated with other drugs, which can make it hard to pin-point the source of the addiction. However, if you suspect someone has a dependency, you should immediately seek help.
Cough syrup is a serious addiction that can affect adults and teens alike. It is not something that should be taken lightly, as it can have serious side effects. Best Drug Rehabilitation’s treatment facility is well versed in helping many kinds of addiction, including alcohol, cough syrup, and other drugs. The staff there will help you or a loved one find the source of the addiction and figure out how to best treat it. Waiting or ignoring the issue only prolongs an unhealthy lifestyle, and should be considered a cry for help.

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