Sunday, February 10, 2013

Best Drug Rehabilitation reviews holistic methods to increase mental focus

Staying mentally focused is a concern for many, so much so that medications exist to “help one stay focused” on the tasks at hand. In the case of children, the task at hand is schoolwork or whatever the parent or teacher wants the child to focus on. A diagnosis such as ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is enough to prescribe a child a drug that alters brain chemistry.  Such diagnoses are questionable in that they are highly subjective, label normal childhood behavior as a disorder and are not based on any standard medical test. Yet the drugs prescribed can produce dependency, addiction and violent side effects. Ritalin and Concerta are brand names for the drug methylphenidate, a controlled substance in the same class as cocaine, methamphetamine and raw opium. Ritalin is now a street drug. With names like “Kiddie Coke” and “Poor Man’s Cocaine,” it is crushed, snorted and injected. Hardly something you’d want to give your kid.

So, the quest for focus continues. Can we improve our mental capacity and focus power? Can we help our children to concentrate without drugging them? The answer is yes! Many mental and nervous conditions can be traced directly to physical problems, such as poor nutrition, vitamin deficiency and allergies. Recall the last time you were sick, how was your mental state? Could you concentrate well? A child has a growing body. If you feed him or her nothing but sugar, starches and highly processed foods – foods with no real nutrition – you’re going to get an agitated and upset child. How can we improve mental focus for ourselves and our children?

·         Nutrition: Sugar, starches, and foods loaded with pesticides and additives can have a disastrous effect on our bodies and mental state. We end up walking around with a body that is essentially starving. Use whole and organic meats, poultry and fish, fresh fruits and vegetables. Kids can be picky eaters. Go through the supermarket or a health food store and find what they like that is good for them. Such foods really do exist!

·         Vitamin deficiencies: Some vitamins and minerals are known to have positive effects on mental state. Conversely, when they are lacking, the negative effect can be pronounced. Examples of such are B Vitamins, calcium, magnesium and Omega-3 fatty acids. A good daily multi-vitamin is a good place to start.  

·         Allergies: People can have allergies to certain foods, chemicals and inhalants and not even know it. Children can develop allergies and exhibit erratic, “unexplainable” behavior. Intolerance or sensitivity to pollutants, dander, dust, airborne mold spores, chemicals and a wide range of foods could all come into play. When symptoms indicate, extensive testing can and should be done for allergies. Studies have shown marked behavior changes in children when the allergies were found. Even such things as chocolate, milk or peanuts can cause severe allergic reactions. When remedied, the results can be dramatic and immediate. 

·         Exercise: We live in a digital age where you can stay entertained and not leave your living room. Millions of people get little to no exercise. Don’t be one of them. Exercise alone or with your family. Lack of exercise can lead to a depressed state mind, where mental focus is limited or nearly impossible.

·         Sleep: A person who has not had sufficient rest can act psychotic. Any mother can tell you that if a child is irritable, it is usually a case of tired or hungry. Most adults need 7-8 hours of sleep per night. Kids need more. Get enough sleep!

·         Plan a course of action: Just listing out what you’re going to get done can work wonders for your concentration. Our digital age also invites millions of opportunities to veer off a task (how many things can you Google?) When you find yourself going astray, look back at your list and get back on it! It requires some discipline but will pay off in terms of completed jobs. Another step you can take is to list out all your incomplete tasks: from painting the fence to rotating the tires; from paying the bills to starting your new business. If you started it and didn’t finish, write it down. If you never started it but knew you should have, write it down. Then start getting them done – one at a time. You’ll feel more focused.

Those are a few of the natural, holistic and practical solutions to mental focus and staying concentrated. The “easy” way is to pop a psychotropic pill. It’s also the riskiest for our young family members. Why medicate when you can address the core problems? Over to you!




  1. These mentioned tips for mind improvements from drug and alcohol rehab centers are all relevant. It is better to do this in the current lifestyle to be mentally healthy and be away from possible addiction.
